Sunday, March 10, 2013

I Just Want To Be TWO!

Well it happened and now it's over....  My little love turned three and might I add ever so gracefully!  I can hardly believe that three years ago I became a mother.  The scariest but also the most splendid part of my life.  If you were to ask Macie what she thought about turning three she would tell you  "I just want to be two"!  The morning of her party, as we pulled into the Play Boutique,  Macie asked from the back seat "Mommy when I walk in the doors do I turn three"?  Turning three does not have much appeal yet because she simply loves everything about being two. 

The Piggy Princess party went smashingly and it was great to see Macie having such a wonderful time.  I was actually quite shocked with how well things came together.  We had in total twenty toddlers, their parents and some added family.  They all seemed to enjoy the food, drinks and atmosphere.  The face painter we hired was not a huge hit and something I would recommend for older children but since we had a few older sibs it wasn't a total wash.  Overall, it was a great day filled with wonderful memories that I know we won't forget and will be able to talk about with Macie for many more years. 

Those are just a few of the pics of the main table setting and one of the birthday girl but gives you the general idea!  The party favors were gable boxes that I customized and filled with retro goodies and party favors.  Each princess was given a lace crown that I made a few weekends before the party and princes received a foam sword.

I promised a few posts on how I made many of the items for the party but if you have questions feel free to message me and I'll try to get on it a bit quicker.  Leaving you with a few final birthday party pictures and next time I'll fill you in on the actually day of birth celebrations (hint...first hair cut)! 

The glory of stickers!